.. _ref-tutorial: =================================== Getting Started with Django CBTools =================================== Django Couchbase is a wrapper around `couchbase `_ python library plus several hook to `Sync-Gateway `_ API. The document search is perfomred using ``couchbase`` library (directly) connection to `couchbase server `_, but saving and retrieving of the document is done using `Sync-Gateway HTTP API `_. This is done in order to have documents available for mobile clients, which can get all benefits of ``couchbase`` library only through Sync-Gateway. The essential part of the package is models. They are inherited from django models with almost all the benefits they have: can be validated with django forms and have fields all sort of field you are used to have. Creating Model ============== Typical couchbase model class looks like that:: from django_cbtools.models import CouchbaseModel from django.db import models class CBArticle(CouchbaseModel): class Meta: abstract = True doc_type = 'article' uid_prefix = 'atl' title = models.CharField(max_length=45, null=True, blank=True) year_published = models.IntegerField(default=2014) is_draft = models.BooleanField(default=True) author_uid = models.TextField() Certainly you can use all the rest types of fields. Let's review the code above. * The class has a prefix ``CB``. It is optional. But you will probably have models related to your relational database. So to distinguish them we find it's useful to have this small prefix. * ``abstract = True`` this is to avoud django migration tool to take care about changes in the couchbase models. * ``doc_type = 'article'`` is the field you have to define. This is the way Django CBtools stores the type of the objects. This value is stored in the database. * ``uid_prefix = 'atl'`` this is an optional prefix for the ``uid`` of the document. Having prefix for the ``uid`` help a lot to debug the application. For example you can easily define type of the document having just its ``uid``. Very useful. Getting Documents ----------------- The document creation is a stright forward process:: article = CBArticle() article.title = 'You & Couchbase' Or alternatively:: article = CBArticle(title='You & Couchbase') Saving Documents / Channels --------------------------- Ideally it should be as simple as that:: article = CBArticle(title='Couchbase & You') article.save() But if you do that you get exception:: CouchbaseModelError: Empty channels list can not be saved Channels. This is how Sync-Gateway limit access to the documents for different mobile clients. The server side framework uses an admin user to create and save documents, so it has access to all of them, but we mind mobile clients also. So:: article = CBArticle(title='Couchbase & You', channels=['channel_name']) article.save() or:: article = CBArticle(title='Couchbase & You') article.append_channel('channel_name') article.save() ``channel_name`` is given here as an example. In real world it will probably somehow related to your users. For example, somewhere in a view:: article = CBArticle(title='Couchbase & You') article.append_channel(self.request.user.username) article.save() You can / should read some more about the concept of channels for Sync-Gateway `here `_. Load Documents -------------- You usually load document if you have its ``UID``:: article = CBArticle('atl_0a1cf319ae4e8b3d5f8249fef9d1bb2c') print article Load Related Documents ---------------------- This is how the model supports relations. Just a small helper method to load related object. In our example above it's an ``author`` document:: from django_cbtools.model import load_related_objects article = CBArticle('atl_0a1cf319ae4e8b3d5f8249fef9d1bb2c') load_related_objects([article], 'author', CBAuthor) print article.author The function above just create another instance variable ``author`` with loaded ``CBAuthor`` document. By default it will check for ``UID`` in a filed with name ``author_uid``. Please note, the function will make only one request to couchbase to load all the related documents for the given documents. Removing Documents ------------------ The package implements **soft** deletion of the documents. It means it just set ``st_deleted`` field of the document to ``True``. A periodic process has to be setup in order to really delete the documents when you really don't need them. There are two important points about ``st_deleted`` field: * ``st_deleted`` field is defined in every document you create within the package. You don't have to define it explicitely. * You should take in account this fields when you create your views. Probably you don't want to index the deleted documents. So to set ``st_deleted`` to ``True`` you use ``delete()`` method:: article.delete() Couchbase Views =============== Views in coachbase are JavaScript functions. You can read some more about it in `couchbase documentation `_ as it's out of the scope of this document. This package goes with two views in: ``by_channel`` (the view which allows you to find documents by channel name and document type) and ``by_type`` which can be used to get documents of particular type. You can see the files of the views in folder ``couchbase_views/`` of the project. Those files are optional and if you don't need them, just don't copy them to your project. Creating Views -------------- Firstly, create folder ``couchbase_views/`` in your project. Then create a ``js``-file with your view, for example to find all articles of by the author ``couchbase_views/by_author.js``:: function (doc, meta) { if (doc.st_deleted) { // the document is deleted, nothing to index return; } if (doc.doc_type != 'article') { // it's not an article document, not for this index } emit(doc.author_uid, null) } You also may want to create ``reduce`` function for your view. Then create yet another file with name ``by_author_reduce.js``:: _count Now your view has both ``map`` and ``reduce`` parts. The last one is optional. Deploying Views --------------- Your couchbase can not be used until they are not in couchbase server. To deploy them from command line you use command ``deploy_cb_views``:: python manage.py create_cb_views Views Helper Functions ---------------------- ``get_stale`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. method:: get_stale() Short hand for ``settings.COUCHBASE_STALE if hasattr(settings, 'COUCHBASE_STALE') else STALE_OK`` It means it just getter for your ``COUCHBASE_STALE`` option. Please read `more about it `_ in the couchbase docs. ``query_view`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. method:: query_view(view_name, query_key, query=None) Search for ``query_key`` in a view ``view_name``. Return list of document ``uid`` s. Example:: import django_cbtools.models import query_view uids = query_views('by_author', 'aut_5f8249fef9d1bb2c0a1cf319ae4e8b3d') # uids now is list of articles Internally it builds a quiry for the view, but you can build a generic view and pass it to perform more complicated view query:: from couchbase.views.params import Query import django_cbtools.models import query_view # get all articles of these two authors query = Query( keys=['aut_8b3d5f8249fef9d1b', 'aut_f8249fef9d1b8b3d5'], stale=get_stale() ) uids = query_views( 'by_author', query_key=None, # will be ignored anyway query=query ) ``query_objects`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. method:: query_objects(view_name, query_key, class_name, query=None) Very similar to ``query_view``, but it returns list of object of given ``class_name`` instead just keys:: import django_cbtools.models import query_objects objects = query_objects('by_author', 'aut_f8249fef9d1b8b3d5', CBAuthor) Sync-Gateway ============ Sync-Gateway Users ------------------ Django-cbtools package needs at least one Sync-Gateway user. The one which has full access to database:: SYNC_GATEWAY_USER = "django_cbtools_admin" SYNC_GATEWAY_PASSWORD = "django_cbtools_admin_password" The library will access the database using the credentials from the settings above. If you are also working on mobile app creation you may want to have a `guest` user, the one which has access to a `public` documents (the documents in `public` channel). The `guest` user can be set like that:: SYNC_GATEWAY_GUEST_USER = "django_cbtools_guest" SYNC_GATEWAY_GUEST_PASSWORD = "django_cbtools_guest_password" Sync-Gateway has a concept of a `GUEST` user, but we don't use it by many reasons. So your mobile client will create pull / push processes using the credentials above to access `public` documents. The library by itself does not use these credentials. But it has a management command to create this users in Sync-Gateway:: python manage.py create_sg_users The command above will create admin and guest user in Sync-Gateway. If you want to create a `public` document on server side you can do that:: from django_cbtools.models import CHANNEL_PUBLIC article = CBArticle() article.append_channel(CHANNEL_PUBLIC) article.save() ``SyncGateway`` Class --------------------- At the moment Sync-Gateway does not have any "native" library to access it, but it provides awesome REST HTTP interface. ``SyncGateway`` class is just a simple wrapper to access this HTTP interface. Internally it uses `requests `_ package. ``put_user`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. method:: SyncGateway.put_user(username, email, password, admin_channels, disabled=False) A statis method to add a user to Sync-Gateway. Usage:: from django_cbtools.sync_gateway import SyncGateway SyncGateway.put_user('username', 'some@email.com', 'pass', ['user_channel']) ``get_user`` .. method:: SyncGateway.get_user(username) A static method to get information about Sync-Gateway user. Usage:: from django_cbtools.sync_gateway import SyncGateway print SyncGateway.get_user('username') ``change_username`` .. method:: SyncGateway.change_username(old_username, new_username, password) A static method to change the username of the user. ``delete_user`` .. method:: SyncGateway.delete_user(username) A static method to delete the username of the user. Testing ======= There are several helper functions which you could find useful in your unit / intergration tests. When you write you tests you don't have to deploy the view to test database every time. Instead you deploy them in ``setUp`` function of your test classes. Your tests coulc look like that:: from django.test import TestCase from django_cbtools.sync_gateway import SyncGateway from django_cbtools.tests import clean_buckets from dashboard.management.commands.create_cb_views import Command class ArticleTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): super(ArticleTest, self).setUp() SyncGateway.put_admin_user() clean_buckets() command = Command() command.handle()